
Maine Amateur Radio Foundation  – 

Maine Amateurs Helping AmateursNew ham registration plate

As amateur radio operators in the state of Maine, we want to make sure that the infrastructure will be there for future generations to use.  Please go to the projects tab.


Our members are the people who help keep the lights on, who populate the supportive committees, who help us make the important decisions regarding who will receive aid and how much.

Legendary CBS newsman Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD, who held the title of “Most Trusted Man in America,” passed away Friday, July 17, 2009,  narrated this video a few years ago.  It is still applicable today.


Upcoming Meetings

Meetings of the board and officers take place monthly on the second Saturday of the month and are open to the general membership. Those meetings which begin at 9:00 AM, are currently held on Zoom.  Contact w2gpj@arrl.net for an invite.  Annual meeting will be in person at: TBD


As you can well imagine, funding projects can be challenging at times. If you would like to donate or know of someone that could be convinced to donate to our mission let us know. Our goal is to make that process as easy as possible.

Upcoming events

The annual meeting of the Foundation is scheduled to take place each May.

Take a look at our calendar to see a full list of meetings and events.